Calendly Free

Free Calendar

Privacy Policy - Calendlyfree

Brief Description of the Privacy Policy Purpose

This Privacy Policy elucidates how Calendlyfree collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the Calendlyfree website, specifically in relation to the calendar services provided by Calendlyfree.

Commitment to Protecting Users' Personal Information

Calendlyfree is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of its users by ensuring a high level of security and confidentiality.

Use of Collected Information: Site Improvement, Performance Optimization, Analytical Data

The information collected is used to understand our users' needs, enhance our website, provide a personalized experience, and conduct statistical analysis to optimize site performance.

Description of Measures Taken to Protect Personal Information

How Our Site Uses Cookies and For What Purposes

Instructions for Managing Cookies in the User's Browser

Users can manage the use of cookies through their browser settings, allowing, blocking, or deleting cookies as per their preference.

How Users Can View, Modify, or Delete Their Personal Data

Users have the right to access, correct, cancel, or object to the processing of their personal data by sending a request to our contact.

Contact Information for Inquiries Regarding Personal Data

For any inquiries regarding your personal data, please contact: [email protected].

Email Provided for Communication on Privacy Matters

For questions regarding this privacy policy, the practices of this site, or your interactions with this site, please contact:  [email protected].

Modifications Will Be Posted on This Page

This privacy policy is effective as of the date of posting on the website, and any future changes in our privacy practices will be communicated on this page.

Regular Page Visits Recommended for Updates

We encourage users to frequently review this page for any changes and to stay informed about how we protect the personal information we collect. Stay alert for banners and notifications on our site for important updates regarding our privacy policy.